Are you the cycling type?
“All Bodies on Bikes” is a great documentary about the beauty of cycling for all people, all sizes, all levels of fitness. Let’s check our preconceived notions at the door, please.
Who Needs a Custom Bike?
Not everyone needs a custom bike fit, but those who do will see significant improvement in bike comfort and performance. Owner and master bike fitter, Dave LoSchiavo, weighs in on the topic.
You Don't Know Fit
A proper bike fit can improve performance and more importantly, help prevent or reduce injury. Durham Cycles owner Dave LoSchiavo is widely regarded as an expert bike fitter. As a cyclist himself and a certified Master Fitter, Dave can help make adjustments to help cyclists achieve their comfort and athletic goals.
How to Buy a Used Bike
Advice for buying a used bike-what to look for and watch to watch out for! Dave offers advice on questions to ask and how to work with a seller.
90% Assembled?
When people order bikes online that say they are 90"% assembled, they can be surprised that our service department needs 1-2 hours to put the bike together. Here, we learn exactly what 90% assembled looks like.
Torque it Right
From tightening your seat post to your stem, to everything else on the bike, make sure nuts and bolts are tight to prevent accidents. In this article, we explain torque and offer some advice on wrenches to have in your home toolkit.
Safety in Numbers
Ready to participate in some group rides or even a race? Learn some basic safety guidelines and group riding etiquette.