Custom Fitting Sessions

You don’t have to be a pro cyclist to deserve and benefit from a proper bike fit. Durham Cycles’ owner is a master bike fitter who has worked with hundreds of professional and competitive cyclists (including the Duke Cycling team) as well as hundreds of recreational cyclists who want to improve their comfort and performance.

Some reasons to schedule a bike fit:

You need help choosing the right size performance bike.
You’re training for an event and want to improve performance.
You are otherwise healthy, but suffer discomfort when riding.

Do you need a bike sizing or a bike fitting?

Bike Sizing is a general assessment of the best frame size for a recreational bike. It is always provided for free at Durham Cycles.

Bike Fitting is a more detailed process for riders with a history of cycling discomfort or for riders with performance-oriented bikes that require precise positioning to maximize long-distance comfort and performance.

I’m in. What’s Next?

  1. Schedule your appointment directly with Dave by emailing him or filling out an appointment request.

  2. Dave will send you a survey prior to your appointment. Your response is private; providing details about your concerns and goals will help you get the most out of your session.

  3. Bring the shoes and clothing that you wear while biking. Millimeters matter, so yes, bring those padded shorts if you have them!

  4. Come curious and excited to learn more about your fit on the bike. Ask questions! Make sure you’ve set aside up to two hours for your session. (Longer for Custom and Progressive bike fits.)

Please note - Bike fitting is not intended to treat or diagnose disorders. Bike fitting works best when paired with a medical evaluation and a well-rounded approach to injury prevention. A properly fit bike cannot prevent all injuries and does not circumvent other injury prevention protocols

  • The Fundamental fit is designed to maximize comfort and efficiency while reducing the likelihood of repetitive stress injury. This is our most popular fit. It is suitable both for experienced riders looking to identify and address trouble spots and for new riders looking to learn cycling dynamics and get started with a safe and fast position.

  • This is a comprehensive fit to help riders identify best stock geometries available. You will receive a report you can share with any dealer specifying what parameters are required for a bike to be considered a good fit. If you find your preferred bicycle at Durham Cycles within six months of your fit, $200 of the fitting fee is refunded towards the purchase.

  • We will work in consultation with Seven Cycles or the custom frame builder of your choice to build the bike of your dreams. All custom bikes are designed and tested on our Serotta Fit Cycle

  • For athletes who need to make significant changes based on their Fundamental Fit, the Progressive Fit includes an “action plan” for implementing alterations slowly, allowing the rider to acclimate to the recommended position. The Progressive Fit begins with our Fundamental fFt and is typically followed by 2 to 4 sessions at a discounted rate.

  • Mapping power against heart-rate over multiple rider positions, we determine the individual’s most efficient hip angle. Power mapping is the only empirical way for riders to determine their most aggressive, sustainable position. This fit requires hard, sustained efforts and is only recommended for those well into their fitness cycle.

All fittings include a comprehensive “Fit report” detailing all findings, alterations, and recommendations. Charges are for fittings only and may not cover bicycle modifications.


Make the most of your time by completing the fit survey before you come to the shop.

We know that some of the information feels personal, but it’s necessary to make sure you get the best fit. Rest assured, Dave has seen just about every cycling ailment over the years. You can’t phase him. And, he prioritizes your comfort throughout the experience.

Our fits are performed in an alcove of the store. Filling out the fit survey ahead of time also allows you to privately relay any sensitive concerns.

Learn how a bike fitting can improve competitive performance.