How to Buy a Used Bike
Buying a used bike is a great option—you may save money and give an old machine new life.That said, purchasing a used bike does have its challenges. Every year we see students who’ve purchased used bikes that are too large or too small; that require expensive repairs; or are clearly stolen property.
So how do you protect yourself and get the right bike for your needs?The easiest way to ensure the size, quality, and condition of a bike is to buy used from a reputable bike shop. If your local bike shop doesn’t have anything used, however, here are a few simple steps you can take to make sure you get what you need.
Know your size
The chart at the bottom of this page provides a general sizing guide for most types of bikes. Remember, however, that bikes can all fit a bit differently depending on the brand, so be sure to take a test ride.
Know what type of bike you need
For commuters, you’ll be looking for something called a city-bike, hybrid, or fitness bike. These bikes are well suited for practical use and can usually be outfitted with a rack and fenders. Mountain bikes with road tires can also make great commuter bikes. Do not buy a bike with suspension or designed for serious off road use. (Front suspension isn’t a deal-breaker, but rear suspension is.)
Know how much to spend
The seller's asking price is sometimes less relevant than the price when the bike was new. A bike that cost $450 or more when new is generally of high enough quality to be worth fixing when parts wear out.
Determine if the bike needs repairs or is excessively worn.
The easiest way to do this is to ask the seller to meet you at a local bike shop. This will be a safe space for both parties and will give you the opportunity to have the bike’s condition evaluated by a professional.
Many shops do not charge for this service, but it’s courteous to pay the mechanic a few dollars or to buy some accessories at the shop to thank them for their time.
Do not buy a bike from someone who will not meet you at a bike shop – the bike is either stolen or the seller is up to no good!
Finally, don’t commit to rent anything sight-unseen. We've seen this scam more than once. Someone will rent a bike for $50 to $100 from a landlord only to find themselves with a bike taken from a dumpster or purchased from a department store for less than the rental price!
*Not all companies measure their bikes in the same way. The chart above is rough guide and may not ensure the proper fit.